What are some alcoholic drinks that can help you keep your new year’s resolutions?

  1. Resolution: save money
  2. Resolution: eat healthier
  3. Resolution: reduce stress
  4. Resolution: learn a new skill
  5. Resolution: spend more time with family


2019 is almost over and while this year has been surely filled with memorable moments, looking towards the new year is almost inevitable. This means new plans, and new resolutions to be made for the upcoming year. If you consider yourself an alcohol enthusiast, then what better way for you to celebrate and keep those resolutions intact than by welcoming the new year with some delectable alcoholic drinks?

Continue reading to know what kind of drinks will complement your new year’s resolution.


Resolution: save money


One of the most common New Year’s resolutions around is the one that involves saving money in one way or another. It could involve a target budget by the end of a specific time frame, or none at all. Nevertheless, here are a couple of mixed drinks that help you do just that.

First, you have the classic gin and tonic. It’s simple and delicious. Depending on what brand of gin and tonic water you get, this can be as cheap or as extravagant as you want it to be. All you really need is a bottle of gin and a six-pack of the most affordable tonic water you can find and you’ll be good for a while.


Here’s what you’ll need (1 serving):

  • 2 ounces of gin
  • 4 or 5 ounces of tonic water
  • Lime wedge for garnish (optional)



  1. Fill a glass (preferably a highball glass) with ice.
  2. Pour the gin first then top it off with the tonic water.
  3. Garnish with the optional lime wedge, serve and enjoy!


If you are not a gin kind of guy, then you can always opt for a more affordable alcoholic beverage such as a local beer or skip drinking alcohol altogether if you really want to save money.


Resolution: eat healthier


If your new year’s resolution is about eating healthier or adopting a healthier diet for the purpose of losing weight or improving your general health, then there are still alcoholic drinks that can help you do that. For example, a lemon spritz can be a good option because it makes use of a low-calorie high proof spirit and some healthy citrus fruits.


Here’s what you’ll need (1 serving):

  • 5 ounces of vodka
  • .5 ounces of lemon juice
  • Clear soda
  • Lemon slice for garnish



  1. In a cocktail shaker, add the vodka, lemon juice, and some ice.
  2. Add some more ice in a glass and pour the contents of the shaker into it.
  3. Top it off with some soda (the amount is totally up to you)
  4. Garnish with lemon, serve, and enjoy.


The soda component serves as a source of sweetness, so add as much or as little as you like. However, it can also be a source of unnecessary calories so try to limit it if you are really watching your weight.

Resolution: reduce stress


Stress is one thing many people try to minimize in their lives but can seem to fully avoid. This is why it doesn’t come as a surprise that people make a conscious effort to reduce their stress when a new year begins. Luckily for you, there are also alcoholic beverages that can help you do that. However, do note that this cocktail might not be the most accessible, which is why you should take some time to prepare the necessary ingredients for this gin elixir.


Here’s what you need (1 serving):

  • 2 ounces of gin
  • 3 ounces of tonic water
  • 2 ounces of pine elixir (can be bought online or made by taking white pine or ‘pinon’ and putting it in a jar and letting it soak in vodka for a month. Strain the liquid and compost the pine — you are left with pine elixir)
  • Honey



  1. In a shaker, mix the gin and pine elixir with some ice
  2. Pour the mix into a glass with ice then top off with some tonic water
  3. Add some honey to give it some sweetness. Stir well
  4. Serve and enjoy.


In a nutshell, this drink is simply an herbal gin and tonic with pine elixir and honey. The latter two ingredients are known to be stress-relieving and refreshing. Gin is also made with Juniper berries, adding to the herbal nature of the drink that many will surely enjoy.

Resolution: learn a new skill


If you want to start the year right by trying to learn a new skill or something new in general, then an alcoholic beverage can get you in the right mindset to do that. It is called ‘liquid confidence’ for a reason. Research has also shown that drinking alcohol can improve your memory and your ability to remember information prior to drinking.

To maximize that effect, here is a relatively mild drink you can enjoy after trying and laboring to learn a new skill.


Here’s what you need (1 serving):

  • 1 ounce of vodka
  • 4 ounces of ginger beer
  • 4 lime wedges



  1. Fill a mug halfway with some ice.
  2. Squeeze the lime juice from three of the wedges into the mug
  3. Add the vodka, then top off with the ginger beer. Stir well.
  4. Add the last lime wedge on top as a garnish, serve, and enjoy!


A word of advice: just because alcohol has been observed to improve memory recall and focus, doesn’t mean you can go drinking and expect to become good at doing something. You still need the right motivation, dedication, and persistence to actually learn and be good at something. Treat this cocktail as a reward for your efforts.


Resolution: spend more time with family


If your new year’s resolution is as simple as wanting to spend more time with your family, using an alcoholic beverage can be helpful in facilitating that. For example, a beer can be a great way to get some good family moments rolling especially among men. Try inviting the male members of your family for a round of drinks after dinner. It doesn’t matter if it’s at home or someplace else. People tend to loosen up and be more open to socialization while drinking, so that can be a good place to start.

If your family is predominantly female then instead of inviting them for a beer, why not organize a wine night in one of the days of the week. While gender doesn’t necessarily determine what kind of drink would be appropriate, wine is less associated to the more negative connotations that come with drinking such as getting inebriated and hungover. As people get older, they are also more likely to appreciate the mellowing hit that wine-drinking gives. This means you can also use wine to connect with your older uncles, aunts, and even grandparents.

Click here to see Alcoline’s selection of international beers and here for our wide array of world-class wines.


Key Takeaway

Since every new year comes with a new set of resolutions, finding ways to stay committed to them is always helpful. By enjoying some of the cocktails and drinks listed above, you can finally have more ways to motivate yourself to be a man or woman of your word and stay true to your resolutions. Try serving some of them for your new year’s party to see how well you and your friends and family like them. Be careful not to drink yourself silly, and as always, please drink responsibly.

Click here to see more of Alcoline’s available products you can enjoy this new year.

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